À propos / CV (english)

© Claudine Doury

© Claudine Doury


My practice unfolds through different mediums: photography, video, sound and sculpture. Extending and resonating different approaches is for me a way to broaden my vocabulary and to vary the apprehension of the gaze that is posed and clarified. 

What underlies my work is the idea of an impulse, a given impulse to expand, to transmit itself. It is when forces are combined, dualities confront each other, that dynamism emerges. This is translated into forms that suggest something already underway, something that must be taken ongoing. In my work one will find elevated, contracted, open or modular forms. What interests me in these deployments charged with potentiality is the frontality that it generates, of what moves while facing.

This is what the plane in sculpture and the flatness in photography allow me to approach by the conflict established between surface and depth. In photography it is the framing in all its extent that makes the image, it is the unification of its parts. I seek to thicken the plane, to make photography something that is contracted, condensed, where there is a full interior, that can make visible a rise to the surface. 

In sculpture, it is a work of erected planes that deploy variations and modulations, like the primary architectural act that gives birth to spaces, volumes from simple forms. I perceive the plane as an active force, like a wall, an obstacle which nevertheless offers a proximity and a frontality giving off a strong effect of presence.

The frontal view always brings into play the body of the one who is as if confronted, hold in front of. The distance here does not separate, it is measured, evaluated, and experienced. My work releases through relationships of presence and distance, the paradox of an impulse undergoing in tension. 


Lives and works in Paris.

Born in 1990 in Châteauroux.

Co-founder of L'Astrophore



Cloud and Lines
Immix Galery, Paris
Curator : Daphné Le Sergent


Mondes Vécus
Graf Galery, Paris
Curator : Esteban Neveu Ponce

Cosmos en premier lieu
L’Astrophore, Fontenay-aux-Roses


Tage der kunst
14th edition of the Waldniel festival, Schwalmtal, Allemagne

Une moraine d’objets
Palais des Beaux-Arts, Paris
Curator : Yannick Langlois

Bastille Design Center, Paris
Curator : Elora Weill-Engerer on the invitation of Maison Contemporain

Palais des Beaux-Arts of Paris, France
Curator : Esteban Neveu Ponce


Maison Contemporain #04, end of the year exhibition, Bertrand Grimont Space, Le Marais, Paris, France

Glassbox Gallery , Paris, France
Curators : Anne Bergeaud and Orane Stalpers


Un monde à portée de vue
Immix Gallery , Paris, France
Curator : Bastien Engelbach


Dans l'angle ajour
Chapel of the Palais de l'Ile, Annecy, France
Curator : Yann Bazin

Felicità 18
Glass courtyard, National School of Beaux-Arts de Paris, France

Perpetuum mobile
UG im Folkwang Museum, Essen, Germany
Curator : Didier Vermeiren

De toute façon en tout cas
Curator : Elsa Cayo, Beaux-Arts de Paris, France

A ilusão da casa
Esquina, São Paulo, Brazil
Curator : Eder Ribeiro

100% beaux-arts
100% festival, La Grande Halle de La Villette, Paris, France


Rêvez ! #2
Collection Yvon Lambert, Avignon, France
Curator : Eric Mézil

The Whole and The Part, 
Suki Festival, Tokyo, Japan

Penser la photographie, des images et des formes
Mois de la Photo du Grand Paris, Synesthésie, Saint-Denis, France
Curators : Pascal Beausse and Alain Bernardini.

En fait…oui. , Atelier Elsa Cayo 
Galleries of Palais des Etudes des Beaux-Arts de Paris, France


Infiniment humain, exhibition of the collective Diaph 8
Maison de la Photographie Robert Doisneau, Gentilly, France
Curator : Michael Houlette.

Lux Perpetua Art Centre & Casa Lo'ol, Mérida, Mexico


Galeries du Palais des Etudes of Beaux-Arts, Paris, France
production made at the CIRVA with the support of the Fondation Hermès

Livres d’artistes
Library Marguerite Yourcenar, Paris, France

Emporte Pièces/Pièces En Portée
Open Workshops, Chapel of the Petits Augustins, Beaux-Arts de Paris, France


Parcours d’artistes
Les Passerelles, Pontault-Combault, France

Que fait (faire) la photographie ?
Ecole Nationale Supérieure Louis-Lumière, La Plaine Saint-Denis, France



Bulletin Art&Projects, CNEAI edition in partnership with Beaux-Arts de Paris, Curators : Marie-José Burki, Sylvie Boulanger and Nathalie Lacroix


Perpetuum Mobile, exhibition catalog, Folkwang Museum, Essen,Germany, self-publishing, graphism : Esteban Neveu Ponce


Rêvez ! #2, exposition, Avignon, Centre d'art contemporain-Collection Lambert, Beaux-Arts de Paris editions, Le Cercle Chromatique collection


La photographie en acte(s), Michelle Debat, Jacinto Lageira, 
Filigranes Edition. Member of the reading committee and publication of three texts. 

Exhibition catalog, Parcours d'artistes, Les Passerelles, Pontault-Combault, France


DNSAP Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris
Atelier Elsa Cayo 

Master degree Photography and Contemporary Arts. mention very well. 
University of Paris 8. Directed by Michelle Debat and Daphné Le Sergent.


ARP La Seine Research Grant